
(Merluccius Australis)


Hake is not generally targeted, but is usually caught by mid-water trawls targeting Hoki at depths of 200-800 metres. The hake caught here (Merluccius australis) is a native to our waters, but similar species are also found around South Africa and South America.

Hake Fishery

Most hake is caught off the west coast of the South Island, but smaller amounts are taken from the southern tip of the South Island and from around the Chatham Islands.

New Zealand’s hake fishery is managed by strict quotas, which allow only a set amount of hake to be taken commercially each year. This Total Allowable Commercial Catch (TACC) was set at 13,211 metric tonnes for the 2009/10 fishing year.

Hake Exports

Total exports of hake in the year ended December 2009 were worth $NZ 36 million.

Spain is our largest market and account for 80% of these hake exports. The rest of the export goes mainly to Japan and Australia.

Hake Meat Quality

Hake flesh is moist and white with few bones and a delicate texture.


Length: 70-100 cm

Weight: 2-9 kg, up to 14 kg

Availability: May to September fresh, year-round frozen

Market Name
New Zealand: Hake, Whiting

Australia: Southern Hake

Canada: Merlu austral

Netherlands: Heek, Stockfisch

France: Merlu, Merlu austral

Germany: Seehecht

Italy: Nasello, Merluzzo

Japan: Heiku, Meruruusa, Meru

Korea: Min daeg

Spain: Merluza (large), Pescadilla (small)